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The content is as follows:
USES Highly Responsive payload hosting Sensors/apertures up to 3.5m diameter Instruments and sensor testing Spacecraft deployment Space physics and relativity experiments Radiation effects research Microgravity research Life science and biotech studies Earth sciences and observations Materials and space environments research Rendezvous and inspection Robotic servicing DRAGON SPACECRAFT SYSTEM Fully recoverable capsule Trunk jettisoned prior to reentry 6000 kg total combined up-mass capability Up to 3000 kg down mass Payload Volume: 10 m 3 pressurized 14 m 3 unpressurized Mission Duration: 1 week to 2 years Payload Integration timeline: Nominal: L-14 days Late-load: T-9 hours Payload Return: Nominal: End-of-Mission + 14 days Early Access: End-of-Mission + 6 hours TYPICAL INTEGRATION TIMELINE ATP L: Œ 5 Mth Œ 3 Mth L-2 Mths Œ 2 Wks Launch EOM 2 wk ICD Fit Check Payload Integration Return OVERALL DRAGON TM CAPABILITIES Dragon is a free-flying, reusable spacecraft capable of hosting pressurized and unpressurized payloads. Subsystems include propulsion, power, thermal control, environmental control, avionics, communications, thermal protection, flight software, guidance, navigation & control, entry, descent & landing, and recovery. DragonLab TM Fast track to ˜ight. v.2.1

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