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The content is as follows:
INTRODUCTION On March 15, 2004, the French government passed a law that banned the wearing of Òconspicuous signsÓ of r tion in public schools. Article 1 is the key provision: In public elementary, middle and high schools, ing of signs or clothing which conspicuously manifest studentsÕ religious afÞliations is prohibited. Disciplinary procedures to implement this rule will be preceded by a discussion with the student. There is also an explanation of what counts as ÒconspicuousÓ: The clothing and religious signs prohibited ar ous signs such as a large cross, a veil, or a skullcap. Not regarded as signs indicating religious afÞliation ar creet signs, which can be, for example, medallions, small crosses, stars of David, hands of Fatima, or small Korans. Although the law applied to Jewish boys in skullcaps and Sikh boys in turbans, as well as to anyone with a large cross around his or her neck, it was aimed primarily at Muslim girls wearing headscarves ( hijab in Arabic; foulard in French). The other groups were included to undercut the charge of discr

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