Here is your PDF: A Safe and Just Space for Humanity: Can we live within the doughnut?; Keywords: œ oxfam discussion space within papers safe

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Kate Raworth

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2019-02-10 14:17:34.839577

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The content is as follows:
Oxfam Discussion Papers A safe and just space for humanity CAN WE LIVE WITHIN THE DOUGHNUT? Humanity™s challenge in the 21 st century is to eradicate poverty and achieve prosperity for all within the means of the planet™s limited natural resources. In the run-up to Rio+20, this discussion paper presents a visual framework Œ shaped like a doughnut Œ which brings planetary boundaries together with social boundaries, creating a safe and just space between the two, in which humanity can thrive. Moving into this space demands far greater equity Œ within and between countries Œ in the use of natural resources, and far greater efficiency in transforming those resources to meet human needs. Oxfam Discussion Papers are written to cont ribute to public debate and to invite feedback on development and humanitarian policy issues. They are ™work in progress™ documents, and do not necessarily constitute final publicat ions or reflect Oxfam policy positions. The views and recommendations expressed are thos e of the author and not necessarily those of Oxfam.

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