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The content is as follows:
Blackboard Ally 1 FCLD Blackboard Ally Accessibility Checker Blackboard Ally is an accessibility checker available in all Blackboard courses be ginning Fall 2018 and all future semesters . Ally scans files uploaded to Blackboard , looking for common accessibility issues. Ally provides insight into the course’s level of accessibility, and makes suggestions on how the content could be improved, if necessary. However, it’s important to note that Ally and Blackboard standards from being uploaded; and Ally and Blackboard will not make changes or fix problems unless you take action. You can use Ally to: identify files uploaded into Blackboard that have accessibility issues get an explanation of the problem related to accessibility for each file resolve the problem by creating an accessible version Ally for Instructors Ally presents instructors and content builders with an accessibilit y score and gives just -in-time coaching tips for improving the accessibility of materials. Instructors upload their files as normal and after a few moments, Ally will scan uploaded files and produce an accessibility score. This score is symbolized by a li ttle gauge next to the item Ally has scanned. The gauge will be red, yellow, or green depending on the score. These three colors of gauge icons measure red icon – not accessible orange icon – somewhat accessible green icon accessible File accessibility icons are always located next to your file, but the specific location will vary throughout different areas in your course. When you click on the gauge you’ll be walked through an explanation of the problem and guidance on fi xing the problem. A panel opens to show the numerical score value along with information on the file’s accessibility. For accessible files, Ally tells you what you did correctly. For files that are not accessible, Ally shows issues within the document and shows you how to fix the problem. After you change your files to make them more accessible, the accessibility scores will automatically update for those files. If you are unable to make your files more accessible, the low accessibility scores will remain.

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