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The content is as follows:
STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Data Specifications Version 3.22 This document current as of: Friday, May 24, 2013 Note: – Fields indicated with a gray back ground are no longer being collected. – ALL fields defined in these specifications with “Core: Yes” are to be collected by all sites. – A Data Collection Form must be created for each operation. STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Version: 3.22 Participant ID ParticIDShort Name: Long Name: Harvest:YesCore:YesSeqNo: 10Definition: Participant ID is a unique number assigned to each database participant by the STS. A database participant is defined as one entity that signs a Participation Agreement with the STS, submits one data file to the harvest, and gets back one report on their data. The participant ID must be entered into each record. Each participant’s data, if submitted to harvest, must be in one data file. If one participant keeps their data in more than one file (e.g., at two sites), then the participant must combine them back into one file for harvest submission. If two or more participants share a single purchas ed software, and enter cases into one database, then the data must be extracted into two different files, one for each participant ID, with each record having the correct participant ID number. Data Source: User or Automatic ParentValue:ParentShortName: Format: TextSection Name: Administrative LowValue: HighValue: UsualRan geLow: UsualRan geHigh:Parent Long Name: DBTableName OperationsDataLength: 5ParentHarvestCodes: Page 1 of 578© The Society of Th oracic Surgeons 2013

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