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ACSGE – 2009, Oct 25 – 27, BITS Pilani, India 1 LOW COST HOUSING RINKU TAUR 1 and VIDYA DEVI T 2 1 TCE Consulting Engineers Ltd, New Delhi , India . e – mail: rtaur @ 2 TCE Consulting Engineers Ltd, New Delhi , India.e – mail: tungad @ Abstract: This paper aims to point out the various aspec ts of prefabricated building methodologies for low cost housing by highlighting the different prefabrication techniques, and the economical adva ntages achieved by its adoption. In a building the foundation, walls, doors and windows, floor s and roof s are th e most important component s, which can be analyzed individually based on the needs thus, improving the speed of construction and reducing the construction cost. T he major current methods of construction systems considered here are namely, structural block walls, mortar less block walls, prefabricated roofing c omponents like precast RC planks, precast hollow concrete panels, precast concrete/Ferro cement panels are considered . Keywords: precast joist, Ferro cement produc ts Introduction Affordable housing is a term used to describe dwelling units whose total group of people within a specified income range. ( In India, the technology to be adopted for housi ng components should be such that the production and erection technology be adjusted to suite the level of skills and handling facilities available under metropolitan, urban and rural conditions. (P.K.Adlakha and H.C.Puri, 2003) Logical approach for op timi zing housing solutions: There should be a logical approach for providing appropriate technology based on the availability of options, considering its technical and economical analysis . 1. There should be optimal space in the design considering efficiency of space, minimum circulation space. 2. Economy should be considered in design of individual buildings, layouts, clusters etc. 3. W hile preparing the specifications it should be kept in mind that , c ost effective construc tion systems are adopted . 4. Energy efficiency h as gained considerable importance due to energy crisis esp ecially in developing countries. Orientation, built form, openings & materials play a vital role besides landscaping / outdoor environment. 5. To develop an effective mechanism for providing appropriat e technology based shelter particularly to the vulnerable group and economicall y weaker section.(R.K.Garg, 2008 ) Prefabrication as applied to `Low Cost Housing (P.K.Adlakha and H.C.Puri, 2002) Advantages of prefabrication are: 1. In prefabricated constructi on, as the components are readymade, self supporting, shuttering and scaffolding is eliminated with a saving in shuttering cost.

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