Here is your PDF: IACUC Guidelines for Animal Care While Employing the Experimental Autoimmune Encaphalitis (EAE) Model in Rodents; Keywords: will animals animal monitoring care time an

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The content is as follows:
Page 1 Updated 7/08/13 PORTLAND VETERANS AF FAIRS MEDICAL CENTER INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITT EE (PVAMC IACUC ) ANIMAL CARE AND USE GUIDELINES GUIDELINES FOR ANIMAL CARE WHILE EMPLOYING THE EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS (EAE) MODEL IN RODENTS Guidelines. 1. At the time of inoculation with the substance eliciting an EAE effec t, a baseline body weight of the animal will be obtained and recorded in the laboratory notebook. A red – tag of the person responsible for the care of the animals will be p laced on each applicable animal cage. The red tag is supplementary to the originally issued cage card which details, among other information, the protocol number, Principal Investigator, and laboratory telephone number. Red tags may be obtained from the Veterinary Medical Unit. 2. Animals will be monitored by the PI or an individual designated by the PI a minimum of once daily, beginning in advance of the point in time when experimental effects such as paresis or paralysis are expected. Minimum once dai ly monitoring will continue until the conclusion of the acute phase of the experiment. In the relapsing models, if animals are to survive after the resolution of the acute phase, monitoring shall be done once daily by the PI or an individual designated by the PI until the termination of the experiment. Monitoring will include the graded score of the EAE involvement, hydration status, general condition and activity level of the animal. Monitoring observations will be recorded in ink in a bound laboratory notebook. The date, time of observation, and the name of the individual observing the animals will be recorded with each set of observations. 3. At the time at which the earliest experimental effects are expected and until the conclusion of the acute pha se of the experiment, an additional water source consisting of gelatin cubes or a suitable substitute will be placed on the cage floor ad lib , moistened rodent blox will be provided on the cage floor ad lib , and body weight will be measured daily. At 30% weight loss from baseline, regardless of graded score of EAE involvement or clinical condition, animals will be given intraperitoneal supplemental fluid therapy consisting of lactated Ringers or normal saline (10% volume/bodyweight/24hours) until body weig ht returns to within 10% of baseline. Body weights and documentation of fluid administration will be made in the laboratory notebook. If animals do not respond to fluid treatment, they will be humanely euthanized. 4. Guidelines for animal monitoring mus t be signed, on file with the IACUC and strictly followed. Prior arrangement may be made to contract the Veterinary Services to perform observations, husbandry, and fluid therapy. Animals undergoing the EAE model CHECK ONE: I agree to comply with the following guidelines. I have attached written justification for deviation from these guidelines. Principal Investigator Date

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