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International Journal of Embedded Systems and Appli cations (IJESA) Vol.1, No.2, December 2011 DOI : 10.5121/ijesa.2011.1206 65 V.Ramya 1, B.Palaniappan 2 1Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Annamalai U niversity, Chidambaram,Tamilnadu. 2Dean, FEAT, HOD, Department of CSE, Annamalai unive rsity, Chidambaram,Tamilnadu. ABSTRACT The tsunami waves cause considerable destruction an d kills people. The detection section of the propos ed system consists of a microcontroller and a capaciti ve sensor to detect the Tsunami occurrence. The principle is as follows, on the onslaught of Tsunam i or any other natural calamity of this type, there is an abnormal pressure rise in the seafloor. Here a prox imity capacitive sensor is used which gives an outp ut depending on capacitance variations, and a microcon troller is used to announce the oncoming of Tsunami event to a concerned person, through mobile computi ng. Mobile is used to send warning messages . KEYWORDS : Cross Compiler, Embedded System, Microcontroller, Sensors, Transmitter. 1. INTRODUCTION A Tsunami is a very long-wavelength wave of water t hat is generated by earthquakes that causes displacement of the seafloor, but Tsunami can also be generated by volcanic eruptions, landslides and underwater explosions. Earthquakes of M > 6.5 are critical for tsunami gen eration. On the average, there are two tsunamis per year somewhere in the world. Approximately every 15 years a destructive, Pacific wide tsunami occurs. Tsunami velocity is dependent on the depth of water through which it travels Tsunamis travel approximat ely 700 kmph in 4000 m depth of sea water. The velocity drops to about 36 kmph at 10 m of wate r depth which cause damage near the shore. Tsunami often occurs suddenly without warning and t hey are extremely dangerous to the coastal communities. To protect ourselves from such disaste r some automated warning systems should be made. The proposed Tsunami warning system is basica lly an Embedded Systems. An embedded System is a microcontroller based system that is in corporated into a device to monitor and control the functions of the components of the device. Embe dded systems are designed to perform specific tasks. An Embedded system is designed to p erform a specific function, in which the software rules the entire hardware. The end user ca nnot alter the software. Reliability, responsiveness, specialized hardware, low cost, rob ustness are some of the important features of

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