Here is your PDF: Nonsense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from Bunk; Keywords: case what evolution chapter science cannot angels

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chapter seven Science in the Courtroom The Case against Intelligent Design A Darwinist cannot invoke angels adding staples to [mouse] traps, because the angels are on our side.ŠMichael Behe, biochemist I cannot persuade myself that a bene˜cent and omnipotent God would have designedly cre- ated parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars.ŠCharles Darwin The evolution-creation controversy is one of those perennial issues that never seem to go away no matter how much scientists alternately ignore or confront them. Even more so than in the case of global warm- ing that we just examined, there is no real controversy about this among scientists, who overwhelmingly accept the theory of evolution as by far the best available explanation of life™s history and diversity. Indeed, unlike the case of global warmingŠwhich was, in fact, legitimately debatable until recentlyŠsuch consensus about evolution developed almost a century ago, and has hardly changed since. Yet, similarly to what Al Gore pointed out for climate change, the American public is split down the middle with regard to evolutionŠa sharp contrast between what scientists think and what the laypeople perceive. The evolution cultural wars make for a splendid case study in the quest for what distinguishes science (evolution) from pseudoscience (creation- ism). But this chapter will tackle the issue from a different perspective, examining in depth the outcome of a landmark trial in a court of law in

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