Here is your PDF: Profile Pierre Marcout; Keywords: CEO & Artistic Director Prisme International Dubai, UAE

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The content is as follows:
Pierre Marcout started his first management role in 1981 for the Sonepar Group, overseeing the lighting of large-scale buildings. In 1987 he created the company “Prisme 3” in association with GL Events, based in Lyon. His first large scale show was in 1993 for the inauguration of the Mosque Hassan II in Casablanca, followed by the spectacular show called “L’aube des temps”, for the G7 Opening Ceremony in Lyon, which was created for a crowd of over 200,000 spectators. The show incorporated 250 performers including the Lyon Philharmonic Orchestra with 90 musicians and world renowned artists Andrea Bocceli, Vanessa Mae and Deep Forest. This was the turning point for Pierre, who was primed with a true desire and passion to design and produce artistic shows with an array of performers and entertainers, the best from around the world. In Dubai, his work includes the grand show for the opening of the Shopping Festival, from 1997 and every following year up until and including 2005. During these years, Pierre designed and produced a very unique and contemporary experience for each of the Opening Ceremonies. Looking toward the New Year, Emaar Properties gives Pierre the honor to design the launch

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