The number of pages within the document is: 10
The self-declared author(s) is/are:
US EPA, OW, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
The subject is as follows:
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The original URL is: LINK
The access date was:
2019-02-10 16:08:58.839440
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The content is as follows:
Questions and Answers on Fluoride The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that it has reevaluated the current science on fluoride. EPA will rely on these new assessments to review the existing maximum level of fluoride allo wed in drinking water and determine whether its drinking water regulations for fluoride should be revised. EPA will review the drinking water standard to make sure that it continues to protect against unwanted effects of excessive exposure. EPA™s examina tion of the fluoride drinking water public health goal and enforceable standard will be based on this new science, along with other information such as analytical methods and treatment feasibility. This fact sheet provides information on community water fluoridation as well as current federal activities to update guidance and regulations concerning community water fluoridation. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) oversees the national water fluoridation program. Existing Drinking Water Stan dards for Fluoride 1) What is the current drinking water standard for fluoride? 2) What are the drinking water standards for fluoride? What do you mean by an MCL, an MCLG, and a secondary standard for fluoride? What is the difference? 3) What are the public notification requirements if my system exceeds the MCL or the secondary standard for fluoride? 4) Why is EPA™s drinking water standard different than Department of Health and Human Service™s recommended optimal fluoridation level for community d rinking water systems? Current EPA Actions 5) Why did the EPA decide to conduct new risk and exposure assessments? 6) What were the findings of the new risk and exposure assessments? 7) What has changed in your conclusions about risk from fluoride? Have we learned about new health effects? 8) Does EPA plan to revise the fluoride drinking water standard? 9) What is the next step for the EPA? Fluoride Exposure 10) How does fluoride get into tap water? 1
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