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180CLASSIC READINGS IN ECONOMICSJohn Stuart Mill(1806-1873)We™ve given you some background on John Stuart Mill in some of the other selections from Mill. His work, in many ways, represents a high point in classical economic writing which inte-grated social and political issues into its themes. Of all his writings none was received with greater hostility than The Subjection of Women published in 1869. Mill completed this work two years after the death of his wife, Harriet Taylor, but waited nine years before publishing it because of its then controversial nature. At the time the thought that the two sexes should be considered equal was seen as almost heresy to the established order.John Stuart Mill. 1869. The Subjection of Women . London: Longman™s Green Reader andDyer, pp. 219, 262-65, 316-17.The Subjection of WomenThe object of this Essay is to explain as clearly as I am able, the grounds of an opinion which I have held from the very earliest period when I had formed any opinions at all on social or political matters, and which, instead of being weakened or modified, has been constantly growing strongerby the progress of reflection and the experience of life. That the principle which regulates the existing social relations between the two sexesŠthe legal subordination of one sex to the otherŠis wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement; and that it ought to be replaced by a principle of perfect equality, admitting no power or privilege on the one side, nor disability on the other.The very words necessary to express the task I have undertaken, show how arduous it is. But it would be a mistake to suppose that the difficulty of the case must lie in the insufficiency orobscurity of the grounds of reason on which my conviction rests. The difficulty is that which exists in all cases in which there is a mass of feeling to be contended against. So long as an opinion isstrongly rooted in the feelings, it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderatingweight of argument against it. For if it were accepted as a result of argument, the refutation of the argument might shake the solidity of the conviction; but when it rests solely on feeling, the worse it fares in argumentative contest, the more persuaded its adherents are that their feelingmust have some deeper ground, which the arguments do not reach; and while the feeling remains,it is always throwing up fresh intrenchments of argument to repair any breach made in the old.And there are so many causes tending to make the feelings connected with this subject the mostintense and most deeply-rooted of all those which gather round and protect old institutions andcustoms, that we need not wonder to find them as yet less undermined and loosened than any of the rest by the progress Of the great modern spiritual and social transition; nor suppose that the barbarisms to which men cling longest must be less barbarisms than those which they earlier shake off.* * * *. . . [D]oes he hug himself in the consciousness of the power the law gives him, exact its legal rightsto the utmost point which custom (the custom of men like himself) will tolerate, and take pleasure in using the power, merely to enliven the agreeable sense of possessing it. What is more; in the most naturally brutal and morally uneducated part of the lower classes, the legal slavery of thewoman, and something in the merely physical subjection to their will as an instrument, causesthem to feel a sort of disrespect and contempt towards their own wife which they do not feel towards any other woman, or any other human being, with whom they come in contact; and which

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