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The content is as follows:
141MONEY LAUNDERING AND BULK CASH SMUGGLING: CHALLENGES FOR THE MÉRIDA INITIATIVE Douglas Farah THE SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM It is widely accepted that cutting o thw of money from the sale of cocaine in the United States to the Mexican drug tracking organizations is one of the most ecient ways to decrease the power of the cartels. Without the cash inx there would be less money for corruption and the purchase of weapons, and cash seizures directly take away what the drug trackers want most — prs from their illicit activities. On both sides of the border the smuggling of bulk cash and money laundering tied to the billions of dollars in prs is not just viewed as a problem for Mexico, but as a signicant security threat to the United States. Parts of Mexico have seen the homicide rate skyrocket in recent years, particularly Ciudad Juárez. The Calderón administration has felt obligated to deploy the military to support and in some cases supplant local law enforcement because of the strength of the cartels and the deep seated corruption among the law enforcement and judicial structures. “The prevention of money laundering and thnancing of terror are today a matter of high priority, both nationally and internationally because they concern complex phenomena with serious economic and social consequences because they allow organized crime tonance criminal activities,” said a recent Mexican policy statement. “These activities generate public insecurity and social destabilization and can severely damage the reputatinancial sectors and the country itself.” 1The 2009 National Drug Threat Assessment of the U.S. Department of Justice (NDIC report) described Mexican drug tracking organizations as “the greatest orga- nized crime threat to the United States.” 2 The report found that drug tracking orga- nizations place a high priority on legitimizing the proceeds of their drug sales and that “bulk cash is a prominent method” for Mexican organizations to move their cash. 3Given the stated priorities of both governments to enhance the money laundering structures and halt bulk cash shipments, it is striking that direct funding for such 1“Tipologías Del GAFI Aplicables a Los Sectores Asegurador y de Remesas,” Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera, Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público Informe 2009. 2“National Drug Threat Assessment 2009,” National Drug Intelligence Center, Department of Justice, January 2009, p. 43. 3“National Drug Threat Assessment 2009,” op cit ., p. 45.

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