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The content is as follows:
CHAPTER ICHAPTER 2CHAPTER 3CHAPTER IVCHAPTER VCHAPTER VICHAPTER VIICHAPTER VIIICHAPTER IXCHAPTER XCHAPTER XICHAPTER XIICHAPTER XIIICHAPTER XIVCHAPTER XVCHAPTER XVIStar MakerOlaf Stapledon1937PREFACEAT a moment when Europe is in danger of a catastrophe worse than that of 1914 a book like this may becondemned as a distraction from the desperately urgent defence of civilization against modern barbarism.Year by year, month by month, the plight of our fragmentary and precarious civilization becomes moreserious. Fascism abroad grows more bold and ruthless in its foreign ventures, more tyrannical toward its owncitizens, more barbarian in its contempt for the life of the mind. Even in our own country we have reason toStar Maker1

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