Here is your PDF: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (UCHSC; Keywords: animals protocol will animal iacuc olar denver

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Margaret Turner

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2019-02-08 22:30:12.391433

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The content is as follows:
University of Colorado Denver (UC DENVER ) Introduction The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) maintains oversight review for federally mandated rules and regulations with regard to animal research, ethi cs, misconduct and biomedical research for the University of Colorado Denver (UC Denver). Policy Statement Federal regulations and our accrediting agency (AAALAC) require the Office of Laboratory Animals Resources (OLAR) to report UC Denver animal usa ge to them and to ensure that animals are counted against current IACUC approved protocols. OLAR determines animal usage at UC Denver through the animal ordering system . This records , against investigator protocols , the number of animals received and hou sed from outside sources, as well as animals weaned from approved breeding colonies . OLAR must count the number of animals on expired protocols against new, replacement protocols. OLAR therefore, must transfer the animals from the expired protocol to th e new IACUC approved protocol. In order for OLAR to accurately record animals against current animal care and use protocols, the following will be put into effect. Procedures 1) Regulations do not permit a grace period for expired protocols. Per NIH Requir ements, under no circumstances will the IACUC be able to grant an extension of the protocol past its 3 year life span. 2) Communication with Principal Investigators will be by e -mail from the IACUC office and OLAR. 3) The IACUC Office will send at least two re write notifications via e -mail to the Principal Investigator, at 5, 2, and less than 1 months prior to the expiration date of the existing protocol as part of the normal protocol expiration notification. Even though regulations recognize the Principal Inve stigator as the responsible individual, an effort will be made to include a lab contact person on these communications. The IACUC Office will copy the animal facility managers and the designated OLAR administrator in the last email sent (
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