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The content is as follows:
Aims and learning outcomesPharmacokinetics is a fundamental scientiÞc discipline that underpinsapplied therapeutics. Patients need to be prescribed appropriate medicines for a clinical condition. The medicine is chosen on the basis of an evidence- based approach to clinical practice and assured to be compatible with any other medicines or alternative therapies the patient may be taking.The design of a dosage regimen is dependent on a basic under-standing of the drug use process (DUP). When faced with a patient who shows speciÞc clinical signs and symptoms, pharmacists must always ask a fundamental question: ÔIs this patient suffering from a drug-related problem?Õ Once this issue is evaluated and a clinical diagnosis is avail- able, the pharmacist can apply the DUP to ensure that the patient is prescribed an appropriate medication regimen, that the patient under- stands the therapy prescribed, and that an agreed concordance plan is achieved.Pharmacists using the DUP consider:Need for a drugChoice of a drugGoals of therapyDesign of regimen ÐRoute ÐDose and frequency ÐDuration Monitoring and reviewCounsellingOnce a particular medicine is chosen, the principles of clinical pharmaco-kinetics are required to ensure the appropriate formulation of drug is chosen for an appropriate route of administration. On the basis of the patientÕs drug handling parameters, which require an understandingof 1Basic pharmacokinetics Soraya Dhillon and Kiren Gill

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