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The content is as follows:
DOCUMENT RESUMEED 197 588FL 011 863AUTHORSchieffelin, Bambi B.TITLE”ADe”: A Socioliqquistic Analysis of a Rel-ctionsh!.p.Working Papers in Sociolinguistics, No. 69.INSTITUTIONSouthwest Educational Development Lab., Austin,Tex.SPONS AGENCYNational Inst. of Education (DHEW),Washington,D.C.PUB DATE79NOTE25p.AVAILABLE FROMSouthwest Educational Development Laboratory, 211East 7th Street, Austin, TX 7B701.!DRS PRICEMF01/PC01 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORSChild Language; Children: Communication Researcn:*Discourse Analysis: Interpersonal Relationship:*Language Acquisition: *Pragmatics: Sociolinguistics:Speech Communication: *Verbal DevelopmentIDENTIFIERS*New GuineaABSTRACTRecent studies have documented the importance of avariety of contextualization cues such as intonation, voice quality,volume, and pitch in conversation. The appropriate use of andresponse to them presupposes that one has certain kinds of linguisticand sociocultural knowledge. There remains, however, the question ofhow children acquire this knowledge. As a step toward understandingthis acquisition process, this paper discusses how children among theKaluli people in New Guinea learn about making and responding torequests based on a strategy of appeal. The particular type ofinteraction under study is called “ade.” The relationship denoted by”ade” is one of caring and nurturing, and is a most important one inthe society. The correct use of the term “ade” is important inevoking the “ade” relationship. The different aspects of the “ade”relationship in the contexts in which it is used in familyinteractions are examined. This examination includes ways in whichchildren are taught to respond to requests based on appeal as well asthe difficulties small children have in using the “ade” termappropriately. Finally a myth is presented which provides a largerethnographic, perspective to what the mother is trying to create inthe relationship between her children. (AMH)***********************************************************************Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be madefrom the original document.***********************************************************************

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