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The content is as follows:
BBb TUBA LOW REGISTER FINGERINGSby Donald C. LittleTHE FOURTH VALVEThe fourth valve of the tuba is usually equivalent to the first and third combination, and itis usually tuned slightly lower than the first and third combination. The fourth valve is normally used to replace the somewhat sharp first and third valve combination; and thesecond and fourth valve combination is always used to replace the very sharp first, second and third valve combination.LOW REGISTER FINGERINGS WITH THE FOURTH VALVEThe fourth valve will allow the production of the chromatic half tones between the low E and the fundamental Bb with the exception of the Cb (B) that is one-half step above the fundamental Bb. This tone is not playable on four-valve BBb tubas unless a “privileged” tone is used.LOW REGISTER FINGERINGS WITHOUT THE FOURTH VALVEMost tubas are characterized by an unusual acoustical phenomena that allows the psuedo-production of many of the lower tones that normally require the fourth valve or the fourthvalve in combination with other valves. These tones are generally referred to as false tones or privileged tones. However, the tone quality is noticeably unclear and unfocused on tones that are produced in this manner.

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