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Palomar College 2005-2006 Catalog Art – 85 -Interactive Media Design The Interactive Media Design program is also offered in Drafting Technology and Graphic Communications. Prepares students with specific skills necessary for employment in the field of multimedia design and production. Students may choose an emphasis in either 3D modeling and animation, which emphasizes production skills and authoring systems, or multimedia design, which emphasizes content development and visual design of multimedia productions. Both areas of emphasis collaborate on an actual multimedia production. A.A. Degree Major or Certificate of Achievement Emphasis in 3D Modeling and Animation Program Requirements Units ARTI 100 Introduction to Illustration 3 ARTI 246 Digital 3D Design and Modeling 3 ARTI 247 Digital 3D Design and Animation 3 DT 180 3D Studio Max-Intro to 3D Modeling/Animation 3 GC/RGC 140 Digital Imaging/Photoshop I 3 GC 204 Motion Graphics for Multimedia-A 3 Electives (Select 2 courses) ART 241 Computer Graphics 3 ART 248 Character Animation 1.5 ARTD 150 Digital Concepts and Techniques in Art 3 ARTD 220 Motion Design 3 DT/RDT 128 Solid Works Intro 3D Design/Presentation 3 DT 182 3D Studio Max Œ Advanced 3D Modeling/Animation 3 GC 142 Digital Imaging/Photoshop III 3 GC 201 Intermediate Multimedia 3 ENTT/RTV 120 Basic TV Production 3 RTV 124 Staging and Lighting for TV 3 TOTAL UNITS 22.5 – 24 Emphasis in Multimedia Design Program Requirements Units ARTD 100 Graphic Design I 3 ARTD 220 Motion Design 3 ARTI 247 Digital 3D Design and Animation 3 GC 142 Digital Imaging/Photoshop III 3 GC/RGC 200 Introduction to Multimedia 3 GC 201 Intermediate Multimedia 3 GC 204 Motion Graphics/Multimedia-A 3 Electives (Select 2 courses) ARTD 150 Digital Concepts/Techniques in Art 3 ARTI 246 Digital 3D Design and Modeling 3 DT 180 3D Studio MaxŒIntro to Modeling/Animation 3 GC 100 Graphic Communications 3 GC/RGC 140 Digital Imaging/Photoshop I 3 GC/RGC 152 Desktop Publishing with Illustrator 3 GC/ART 197 Multimedia Project 3 GC/RGC 202 Web Page Layout I 3 GC 206 Web Multimedia 3 MUS 180 Computer Music I 3 RTV 170 Introduction to Video Editing 3 TOTAL UNITS 27 The Interactive Media Design program is also offered in Drafting Technology and Graphic Communication. Pictorial Arts Programs are designed to enable the student to acquire skills in producing marketable fine art for gallery exhibition and commissions, enter into the commercial area, and serve as a preparation for transfer to a four-year college or university. Transfer students should consult the four-year college or university catalog for specific requirements or see a Palomar College counselor. Pictorial arts majors may select an emphasis in painting or printmaking within the program requirements. A.A. Degree Major Program Requirements Units ART 101 Methods and Materials 3 ART 102 Drawing and Composition I 3 ART 103 Drawing and Composition II 3 ART 104 Design and Composition 3 ART 105 3-Dimensional Form and Design 3 ART 165 History of Art I 3 ART 166 History of Art II 3 ART 200 Color/Light and Theory 3 Emphasis Requirements 15-18 Final Art Portfolio Review 0 TOTAL UNITS 39 – 42 Emphasis in Painting Emphasis Requir ements Units ART 120 Life Drawing and Composition I 3 ART 121 Life Drawing and Composition II 3 Plus 6 units selected from the following: ART 220 Oil Painting I 3 ART 221 Oil Painting II 3 ART 225 Acrylic Painting I 3 ART 226 Acrylic Painting II 3 Electives (Select 6 units) ART 130 Printmaking I 3 ART 131 Printmaking II 3 ART 197F Topics in Art Œ Drawing .5-3 ARTI 200 Rendering 3 ARTI 210 Illustration I, Traditional Techniques 3 ARTI 220 Illustration II Digital Techniques 3 ART 220, 221, 225, 226 (if not taken in emphasis area) 3 ART 230 Airbrush Painting I 3 ART 231 Airbrush Painting II 3 ART 235 Watercolor Painting I 3 ART 236 Watercolor Painting II 3 PHOT 110 Basic 35mm Color Photo 3 Emphasis in Printmaking Emphasis Requir ements Units ART 120 Life Drawing and Composition I 3 ART 130 Printmaking I 3 ART 131 Printmaking II 3 Electives (Select 6 units) ART 162 History of the Art of the American West 3 ART 163 History of the Arts of Asia 3 ART 164 History of the Traditional Arts of Africa/ Oceania/ Americas 3 ART 170 Gallery Management/Display I 3 ART 197F Topics in Art Œ Drawing .5-3 ART 220 Oil Painting I 3 ART 221 Oil Painting II 3 ART 225 Acrylic Painting I 3 ART 226 Acrylic Painting II 3 ART 230 Airbrush Painting I 3 ART 231 Airbrush Painting II 3 ART 235 Watercolor Painting I 3 ART 236 Watercolor Painting II 3 ARTI 210 Illustration I, Traditional Techniques 3 ARTI 220 Illustration II Digital Techniques 3 PHOT 110 Basic 35mm Color Photo 3 Three-Dimensional Arts Programs are designed to enable the student to acquire skills in producing marketable fine art for gallery exhibition and commissions, enter into the commercial area, and serve as a preparation for transfer to a four-year college or university. Transfer students should consult the four-year college or university catalog for specific requirements or see a Palomar College counselor. Three-dimensional arts majors may select an emphasis in ceramics, crafts, glass, jewelry and metalsmithing, or sculpture, within the program requirements.

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