Here is your PDF: 2005-P1toP48; Keywords: college student catalog new approved burlington county

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The content is as follows: 601 Pemberton Browns Mills Road Pemberton, New Jersey 08068-1599 609-894-9311 or 856-222-9311 A public community college accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and approved by the State of New Jersey. Burlington County College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.The college is approved under Title 38, U.S. Code, Section 1775 for veteransÕ training.BCC is a designated Servicemembers Opportunity College.The statements, provisions, policies and fees listed in this catalog are not to be regarded as binding betweenthe student and Burlington County College. The college reserves all rights to change at any time any of the provisions, programs, courses, schedules, tuitions or fees as may be warranted by economic considerations, enrollments, and/or other circumstances requiring such administrative action.Each student is held individually responsible for knowledge of the information contained in this catalog as wellas the Student Handbook. Failure to read and comply with college guidelines, requirements and regulations will not exempt the student from responsibility. CATALOG 2005-2007

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