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The content is as follows:
INTRODUCTIONThe term health behaviour (or health-related behaviour ) is used very broadly in this chapter to mean any behaviour that may affect an indi- vidual™s physical health or any behaviour that an individual believes may affect their physical health.This chapter focuses on determinants of health behaviours.More specifically,it focuses on what we will refer to as ‚cognitive™determinants, as specified by theories ofhealth behaviour or ‚social cognition models™as they are sometimes called.After briefly considering some ofthe more important distinctions and dimensions ofhealth behaviours and the definition and measurement oftarget behaviours,we provide an extensive dis- cussion ofresearch designs that are used Œ or could be used Œ to investigate the cognitive deter- minants ofhealth behaviours.Then,a classifica- tion oftheories ofhealth behaviour is presented, followed by a detailed discussion ofone particu- lar theoretical approach,the theory ofplanned behaviour (TPB:Ajzen,1991,2002b). Theories ofhealth behaviour acknowledge that health behaviours may be influenced by numerous biological,psychological,and social factors,but they specify only a limited subset ofcognitive determinants that are assumed to be most proximal to the behaviour.For a more complete explanation ofparticular health behaviours,it is necessary to extend the theories to include other relevant determi- nants.To this end,we outline a broader theo- retical framework,drawing on the ‚social ecological framework™(Emmons,2000;Green, Richard & Potvin,1996;McLeroy,Bibeau, Steckler & Glanz,1988;Stokols,1992,1996) and ideas from multilevel modelling (Bryk & Raudenbush,1992;Duncan,Jones & Moon, 1998;Hox,2002).We conclude by making a number ofrecommendations to guide future research in this area. The chapter presents a generic approach to explaining health behaviours,focusing on theoretical and methodological issues.Although a number ofdifferent examples ofhealth behav- ioursare used,we do not attempt to review the determinants ofparticular health behaviours. QUESTIONS ADDRESSED IN RESEARCHON HEALTH BEHAVIOURS Most health psychological research on health behavioursattempts to explain between-individual 4Determinants of Health-Related Behaviours: Theoretical and Methodological IssuesSTEPHEN SUTTONSutton-04.qxd 10/9/2004 12:58 PM Page 94

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