Here is your pdf: What’s in your fluid? Does it matter?

The length of the document below is: 18 page(s) long

The self-declared author(s) is/are:

Author: Lauren Hernandez

The subject is as follows:
Subject: Fluid therapies

The original URL is: LINK

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Access date: 2019-04-01 16:04:16.462389

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The content is as follows:

Does it matter?

Lauren Hernandez, PharmD

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident

Department of Pharmacy, University Health System, San Antonio, Texas

Division of Pharmacotherapy, The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy

Pharmacotherapy Education and Research Center,

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

May 3, 2013

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss the current use and indications for fluid therapy

2. Describe the distribution and composition of fluids

3. Identify potential complications of different types of fluids

4. Evaluate the clinical significance of adverse outcomes associated with fluid therapy

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