Here is your pdf: The consonants of American English

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The content is as follows:

1 The Consonants of American English Marla Yoshida

How do we describe consonants?

Consonants are sounds in which the air stream meets some obstacles in the mouth on its

way up from the lungs, as we learned earlier. Most consonants are not as smooth


as vowels; they pop, hiss, snap, or hum.

The table below

shows the phonemic symb

ols for

American English consonants. There are alternate symbols for a few of these sounds, but

overall, the consonant symbols are very consistent across different versions of the phonemic

alphabet, and they are basically the same for American English and

British English.

Consonants of American English





pot /p/

shop /!/ or /

/ book /b/


ge /#/ or /


/ take




dog /d/

chip /%/ or /


/ cat /k/


/’/ or /


/ good /)/ man /m/

fun /f/

now /n/


/v/ sing /*

/ thick

/+/ lamp


then /,

/ road


sun /s/

win /w/

zoo /z/

you /y/ or /j/

(why) (/hw/)

Most speakers of English donÕt use

/hw/ as a separate phoneme. They

use /w/ instead.

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