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Lung Cancer

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer begins when cells in the lung grow out

of control and form a mass called a tumor, lesion, or

nodule. There are 2 major types of lung cancer: non-

small cell and small cell. They are usually treated

in different ways. Lung cancer is the second most

common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in

the United States.

What is the function of the lungs?

The lungs are made up of 5 lobes, 3 in the right lung and

2 in the left lung. As a person inhales, the lungs absorb

oxygen from the air, which is delivered to the rest of the

body through the bloodstream. When the body uses the

oxygen, carbon dioxide is created. It is carried back to

the lungs though the bloodstream and released when

a person exhales.

What does stage mean?

The stage is a way of describing where the cancer is located, if or where it has spread, and whether it is affecting other parts of the body.

There are 5 stages for lung cancer: stage 0 (zero) and stages I through IV (1 through 4). Small cell lung cancer is primarily classified as either

limited stage or extensive stage depending on where it has grown and spread. Find more descriptions and illustrations of these stages

at and

How is lung cancer treated?

The treatment options for lung cancer depend on the size and location of the tumor, the type of lung cancer, whether the cancer has spread,

and the person™s overall health. The basic options for treating lung cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and

immunotherapy. Non-small cell lung cancer is often treated with a combination of these approaches. The goal of surgery is to completely

remove the lung tumor with a surrounding border of healthy tissue, called a margin, and nearby lymph nodes. Small cell lung cancer is often

treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, and immunotherapy may be recommended too. When making treatment decisions,

people may also consider a clinical trial. Clinical trials are an option to consider for treatment and care for all stages of cancer. Talk with

your doctor about all treatment options. The side effects of lung cancer treatment can often be prevented or managed with the help of

your health care team. This is called palliative or supportive care and is an important part of the overall treatment plan.

How can I cope with lung cancer?

Absorbing the news of a cancer diagnosis and communicating with your doctor are key parts of the coping process. Seeking support,

organizing your health information, making sure all of your questions are answered, and participating in the decision-making process

are other steps. Talk with your health care team about any concerns. Understanding your emotions and those of people close to you

can be helpful in managing the diagnosis, treatment, and healing process. Because lung cancer is often associated with smoking,

patients may feel that they will not receive as much support or help from the people around them. However, lung cancer can affect

anyone. Although a lung cancer diagnosis is serious, patients can be hopeful that their doctors can offer them effective treatment.


Right lobes

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