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The content is as follows:
Too complex and time
consuming to fit in!
Physicians’ experiences of elderly patients and
their participation in medical decision making:
a grounded theory study
Anne Wissendorff Ekdahl, Ingrid Hellström, Lars Andersson and Maria Friedrichsen
Linköping University Post Print
N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original article.
Original Publication:
Anne Wissendorff Ekdahl, Ingrid Hellström, Lars Andersson and Maria Friedrichsen, Too
complex and time
consuming to fit in! Physicians’ experiences of elderly patients and their
participation in medical decision making: a grounded theory study, 2012, BMJ O
pen, (2), 3
Publishing Group: BMJ Open / BMJ Journals
Postprint available at: Linköping University Electro
nic Press
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