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The content is as follows:

January 30, 2019

Chairman Powell™s Press




1 of

24 Transcript of




Press Conference



. Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome.

I will start with a

recap of our discussions, including our assessment of the outlook for the economy and the

judgments we made about our interest rate policy and our balance sheet.

I will cover the

decisions we made today as well as our ongoing discussio

ns of matters on which we expect to

make decisions in coming meetings.

My colleagues and I have one overarching goal:

to sustain the economic expansion, with

a strong job market and stable prices, for the benefit of the American people.

The U.S. economy

is in a good place, and we will continue to use our monetary policy tools to help keep it there.

The jobs picture continues to be strong, with the unemployment rate near historic lows and with

stronger wage gains.

Inflation remains near our

2 percent goa


We continue to expect that the

American economy will grow at a solid pace in 2019, although likely slower than the very strong

pace of 2018.

We believe that our current policy stance is appropriate at this time.

Despite this positive outlook, over the

past few months we have seen some crosscurrents

and conflicting signals about the outlook.

Growth has slowed in some major foreign economies,



China and Europe.

There is elevated uncertainty around several unresolved

government policy iss

ues, including Brexit, ongoing trade negotiations, and the effects from the

partial government shutdown in the United States.

Financial conditions tightened considerably

late in 2018 and remain less supportive of growth than they were earlier in 2018.

And, while

most of the incoming domestic economic data have been solid, some surveys of business and

consumer sentiment have moved lower, giving reason for caution.

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