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Buyer’s Guide

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Here is your pdf: Western BCA Dress Code

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Western BCA Dress Code

You are part of the largest regional pool tournaments in the United States. O

ur events are literally seen world

wide and


is more important than ever that we put our best face


so that we will be taken seriously in the Bil

liards World.

Your cooperation in wearing the appropriate neat and clean apparel at all times during the event, whether practicing,

warming up,

playing in

mini tournaments or

just enjoying yourself

, is appreciated.

The Dress code is in effect each da

y of the tournament beginning when the referees arrive on the tournament floor in the

morning and remains in effect until all matches have been played

for the day



Clean and neat apparel is required at all times. Torn or dirty c

lothing will not be allowed. Clothing must cover torso


and front

at all times. No bare midriffs, excessive cleavage or exposed underwear, please.


and sweaters



must have sleeves

and be of sufficient length to completely cover the to

rso when shooting.



casual dress shirts (button front), polo shirts

and T

shirts may be worn. T

shirts cannot be stretched

around the neck, transparent (excessively worn) or have inappropriate or objectionable graphics.

Button front shirts may

be worn unbuttoned

if they are worn over a neat and tasteful garment. If the garment

beneath is inappropriate in any way, you will be required to button your outer shirt.

Shirts, blouses, tops, sweaters (women):

must have sleeves and be of sufficient le

ngth to completely cover the torso

when shooting.

Collared blouses and polo shirts may be worn.

Collarless garments may be round, v


scooped neck

or hoodie



ong as no


cleavage is visible


Jeans or slacks

must be neat, clean and untorn.


aggy or loose fitting


are allowed as long as the midriff is not showing and undergarments are not seen.

Women may wear

Capri style pants (falling at least two inches below the knee when standing) and culottes.

Women may wear skirts and sleeved dres

ses of conservative length.

Dresses must comply with the necklines as

noted above.


(jackets, vests, coats) may be worn over dress code compliant shirts.

If the outerwear covers the shirt

completely, you must comply with a request from your oppo

nent or a referee to show that you are wearing a proper shirt.


All footwear must have a closed toe and be normal in the manner of its style and wear.


Any hat or headwear that is clean and neat is allowed with appropriate clothing.


led baseball type caps must be

worn with the bill facing forward.

Devices in the ear


(ear plugs, headphones,


devices, etc) are not allowed. If you are hearing impaired or sound

sensitive and must wear hearing aids or ear plugs, you must have a

Should a player require an

Exception to the Dress Code

for medical reasons, the player must attach a letter on official

letterhead from the player’s health care provider with his/her entry form and keep a copy of th

is letter in his/her possession

at all times, available for review by a referee or other tournament official if requested. If this is a PERMANENT condition,


physician’s note stating this may be submitted once and will be kept on file.

Team Shirts



ching team shirts are prefer


but not required.


Athletic wear of any kind, including but not limited to: sweats, swimwear, jogging suits, uniforms or jerseys


Shorts of any kind, regardless of length.




Overalls or coveralls.

Sweaters, jackets, coats or other outerwear worn over a shirt that does


meet the dress code


Bandanas, scarves above the neck, headbands, do


Any clothing or headwear judged by tournament officials or referees to b



poor taste, offensive, dirty, excessively torn, or worn in a manner other than intended;


or mocking of the sport in any way (e.g., sleep wear, period clothing worn as a joke, etc.);


revealing (e.g., bare midriff, low cut

necklines, etc.)

Tournament Officials and R

eferees will make every effort to enforce dress code provisions

prior to the beginning of any

match. V


, however,

will not be enforced after a match has begun, with the following exceptions:

Headgear m

ay be required to be removed or corrected.

Accessories and electronics may be required to be removed.

Button front shirts may be required to be adjusted to meet the dress code.

All other requests by players for dress code enforcement must be made



he beginning of the match.

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Here is your pdf: Marrying too young – End child marriage

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Here is your pdf: Town of Berlin zoning regulations

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Town of Berlin

Zoning Regulations Adopted

May 8, 1944

Re-Adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission

Effective: February 8, 2018

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Here is your pdf: Lime stabilized construction

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Here is your pdf: Public testimony to the ESRC on the draft Kaua’i seabird habitat convservation plan

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Here is your pdf: Magazines in the twentieth century

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Here is your pdf: Holes BookFiles Guide \(PDF\

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Scholastic BookFiles


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