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Ice Breakers & Team Builders

Name Game:

Sit in a circle.


person starts by using an adjective starting with the same letter as their first name,

followed by their first name (i.e. Clever Claire, Kind Karen)


next person and following has to repeat the first person’s

adjective and name and then add their own. it goes


the circle and the last person has to repeat all other names

in order and end with their own.

Human Knot:

Have a group of 10

-15 stand ver

y close together. Tell them to reach out their arms so all hand are jumbled

and intertwined. Tell them to grab one hand for each of their


but not the one of the person’s next to them. Now

they are a human knot and must use teamwork to untangle thems

elves into one circle without letting go of their hands.

Two Truths and a Lie

: Go around group and everyone has to say two true statements about themselves and one false.

The rest of the group has to guess which one is false. You may be surprised.



learn some crazy things about each


Balloon Game #1

: Have everyone put one piece of information about


in a balloon, then blow up the balloon and

throw the balloon in the middle of the circle of participants.


one by one, pop the balloons and

guess to whom that


of information belongs.

Balloon Game #2

: Pass one balloon around the circle and have each person write a question on that balloon.



the balloon around the circle and each person has to answer three questions on the balloon.

Fruit Basket Turn Over

: Seat players in a circle.


person stands in the center.


player is given the name of a fruit.


person in the middle calls o

ut the name of two fruits.


two people must quickly change seats. The person in the

middle also tries to reach one of the seats. The one left standing then calls the name of two other fruits. He or she may

also call “fruit basket turnover” and everyone

must change seats.

Human Machines

: Each group acts out a machine with sound effects (i.e. telephone, fax, washing machine, dryer,

blender, typewriter, stereo, airplane)

. Bridge


: There are 4 people acting as the bridge goblins. Two people are standing

on the same side, about 4 feet

apart, and then on the other side there are two people facing them. Now the point of the game is for the rest of the

group to cross this bridge as many times as possible, without going off the bridge. The trick is that each p

erson cannot

walk the same


they each have to be different. And if they’re not, the bridge goblins eat them.


You Love Me Baby S


: Everyone sits in a circle, and one person goes up to somebody in the group and tries to

make them smile by saying,

“if you love me baby, smile” and they are not allowed touching the person at all. They may

make funny faces or whatnot. If the person does not smile or laugh, they will reply, “I love you baby, but I just can’t

smile”. And if the person succeeds, the perso

n they made smile moves on, and if they lose, they have to go to another


Movie Ball G


: Everyone stands in a circle and bounces a ball to somebody else, and has a five second limit to do so.

But before bouncing the ball they must say a name of a

movie. When somebody repeats a movie name, they are out of

the game. It eventually ends up being a competition between two people, and then there’s a winner. As a prize, you can

give them a chocolate bar, or something else.

Digging G


: The members sit in

a circle of chairs and there is one person standing and does not have a chair. The

person in the middle asks a question, like “who has brown hair?” and everyone who does has to get up and switch seats.

The person in the middle has to go and find a seat, w

hich in turn will leave somebody else in the middle without a chair

to ask a question. The catch is that the people changing seats (this applies to each individual round) cannot move to the

seat on either side of them, or if they get up and can’t find a se

at, they cannot return to the seat where they just sat.

This is a great way to “dig” up some information, on people you don’t know.

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Here is your pdf: Habits of Mind – Teacher’s Companion

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Subject: Original authors did not specify.

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Here is your pdf: Intraperitoneal (IP) injection in rats and mice – standard operating procedure – UBC animal care guidelines

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The content is as follows:

Page1of6 UBCAnimalCareGuidelinesSOP:ACC2012Tech10Submittedby:KrisAndrewsLastdaterevised:May2014Dateapproved:June2014Intraperitoneal(IP)InjectioninRatsandMiceSOPPurposeThisStandardOperatingProcedure(SOP)describestheprocedureofintraperitoneal(IP)



















viaanonrecommendedroute. Thevolumetobeinjectedshouldbethelowestvolumepossible


























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Here is your pdf: Bicycling in Colorado – Rules of the Road

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Here is your pdf: Integrated crop management for Kentucky cabbage

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Here is your pdf: International sport coaching framework

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Here is your pdf: North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics

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The content is as follows:

23rd North American Conference on

Chinese Linguistics

Volume 2

Edited by Zhuo Jing-Schmidt

June 17-29, 2011

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Here is your pdf: Measuring the World – Olfaction as a process model of perception

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The content is as follows:

1 Abstract

How much does stimulus input shape perception? The common

-sense view is that our

perceptions are representations of objects and their features and that the stimulus structures the

perceptual object. The problem for this view concerns perceptual biases as r

esponsible for

distortions and the subjectivity of perceptual experience. These biases are increasingly studied as

constitutive factors of brain processes in recent neuroscience. In neural network models the brain

is said to cope with the plethora of senso

ry information by predicting stimulus regularities on


basis of

previous experiences. Drawing on this development, this chapter analy

ses perceptions as

processes. Looking at olfaction as a model system, it argues for the need to abandon a stimulus


ed perspective

, where smells are thought of as stable percepts

, computationally linked to

external objects such as odorous molecules. Perception here is presented as a measure of

changing signal ratios in


environment informed by expectancy effects from







forecasting; neural networks;


olfaction; perceptual


; predictive coding; smell

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