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1A Family™s Guide BEGINNING THE



NatGeo Kids™

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s Global Precipitation

Measurement Mission

Reading a Rain Gauge

Reading a rain

gauge is simple. We can look at the measurement marks on the

side of a rain

capturing device, and find the level of water collected from a passing

storm. Depending on what system is used where we live, we can read inches or

millimeters and say how much rai

n has fallen. But the device collects a volume of

are units of


instead of in pints or liters, which are units of



Picture a Pool

To find a volume of an objec

t, in this case rainwater, you need to know the area of

the base of the object and its height. For a rectangular rain gauge you can measure

the area of the base like this:

length x width,

and then multiply by the


of the


volume = length x widt

h x height

Now let’s put our hypothetical, rectangular rain gauge on the grass next to an

equally hypothetical and also rectangular swimming pool. Our swimming pool is

empty. A thunderstorm rains over both of them. They both collect a




The base of a rain gauge is a small area (small

length x width

); you can hold one in

your hand. During a storm, you know by looking that it will collect a small volume

of rainwater. The base of a rectangular swimming pool

is a much larger area (big

length x width

). During that same storm, the pool will collect a much larger volume of rainwater.

But what about the


? Does the collected water rise the same amount in the swimming pool as it

does in the rain gauge?

The a

nswer is yes. Not

convinced? Think about it

this way.

Let’s fill our rectangular

swimming pool with row

upon row of rectangular

rain gauges sitting right

beside each other. The rain

gauges in the pool are

identical to each other and

to the on

e sitting on the

grass. We roll back time and

the storm rains again.

Rain gauges collect rain,

or snow, in one spot. By

looking at the level of

water and reading the

measurement mark on

the gauge, we can see

how much has fallen over

a period of time, in a 24

hour day, for example.

Credit (both images): CoCoRaHS

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SPME Applications GuideThe SPME Applications Guide is a bibliographic resource of published technical articles about solid phase microextraction. With thecontinued growth of SPME, and its expansion into environmental, food, forensic, and other fields, we recognize the need for an organizedbibliography. This guide should serve a useful purpose in your SPME research and analyses.This guide is for general information only. We have made every attempt to make the information as complete and accurate as possible.Where entries are missing, information was not available at the time of printing.

NOTE: Because of copyright restrictions, Supelco cannot provide copies of the articles listed. If you desire copies, please refer to the

publications cited.Using This GuideThis guide is organized in an easy-to-use format. The references are

grouped into application areas (see the Table of Contents) with thenew references placed at the end of each area in bold. The Analyte/Matrix column identifies the class of analytes and the sample matrix.

The Literature Reference column provides the title of the article,journal reference, and authors. The next column describes the SPME

fiber and conditions used in the sample extraction. The last column

indicates the instrument used in the analysis.Key to AbbreviationsAbbrev.Description

AEDatomic emission detectionDVBdivinylbenzeneECDelectron capture detectionFIDflame ionization detectionFPDflame photometric detectionFTDflame thermonic detectionGCgas chromatographyHPLChigh pressure liquid chromatographyICPinductive coupled plasmaMSmass spectrometryMSDmass selective detectionNPDnitrogen/phosphorus detectionPADphotodiode-array detectionPDMSpolydimethylsiloxanePICIpositive ion chemical ionizationSIMselective ion monitoringTCDthermionic-selective detectionTEDthermal energy detectionVISvisible spectrophotometry Table of Contents Application AreaBooks…………………………………………………………..2

Foods, Flavors & Fragrances……………………………….2

Polymers and Coatings……………………………………6Natural Products…………………………………………….

Pharmaceuticals…………………………………………….Biological Matrices………………………………………….9Toxicology…………………………………………………..10Forensics…………………………………………………….12Environmental……………………………………………..1Water………………………………………………….14Pesticides……………………………………………..1Soil……………………………………………………..1Air………………………………………………………Theory and Technique…………………………………..Supelco SPME Literature………………………………..2SPME Products…………………………………………….2Bulletin

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Previous Participation Certification

OMB Approval No. 2502-0118

(Exp. 05/31/2019)

Previous editions are obsolete

ref Handbook 4065.1 Form HUD-2530 (2/2013)

Page 1 of 2

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

US Department of Agriculture

Office of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner

Farmers Home Administration

Part I to be completed by Principals of Multifamily Projects

(See instructions)

Reason for submission:

For HUD HQ/FmHA use only


Agency name and City where the application is filed

2. Project Name, Project Number, City and Zip Code

3. Loan or Contract amount $

4. Number of Units or Beds

5. Section of Act

6. Type of Project (check one)

Existing Rehabilitation Proposed (New)

7. List all proposed Principals and attach organization chart for all organizations

Name and address of Principals and Affiliates (Name: Last, First, Middle Initial) proposing to participate

8 Role of Each Principal in Project 9. SSN or IRS Employer


Certifications: The principal(s) listed above hereby apply to HUD or USDA FmHA, as the case maybe, for approval to participate as principal(s) in the role(s) and project listed above. The principal(s) each certify that all the

statements made on this form are true, complete and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief and are made in good faith, including any Exhibits attached to this form.


HUD will prosecute false claims and

statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The principal(s) further certify that to the best of their knowledge and belief:

1. Schedule A contains a listing, for the last ten years, of every project assisted or insured by HUD, USDA FmHA and/or State and local government housing finance agencies in which the principal(s) have participated or are

now participating.

2. For the period beginning 10 years prior to the date of this certification, and except as shown on the certification:

a. No mortgage on a project listed has ever been in default, assigned to the Government or foreclosed, nor has it received mortgage relief from the mortgagee;

b. The principals have no defaults or noncompliance under any Conventional Contract or Turnkey Contract of Sale in connection with a public housing project;

c. There are no known unresolved findings as a result of HUD audits, management reviews or other Governmental investigations concerning the principals or their projects;

d. There has not been a suspension or termination of payments under any HUD assistance contract due to the principal™s fault or negligence;

e. The principals have not been convicted of a felony and are not presently the subject of a complaint or indictment charging a felony. (A felony is defined as any offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one

year, but does not include any offense classified as a misdemeanor under the laws of a State and punishable by imprisonment of two years or less);

f. The principals have not been suspended, debarred or otherwise restricted by any Department or Agency of the Federal Government or of a State Government from doing business with such Department or Agency;

g. The principals have not defaulted on an obligation covered by a surety or performance bond and have not been the subject of a claim under an employee fidelity bond;

3. All the names of the principals who propose to participate in this project are listed above.

4. None of the principals is a HUD/FmHA employee or a member of a HUD/FmHA employee’s immediate household as defined in Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch in 5 C.F.R. Part 2635

(57 FR 35006) and HUD’s Standard of Conduct in 24 C.F.R. Part 0 and USDA’s Standard of Conduct in 7 C.F.R. Part 0 Subpart B.

5. None of the principals is a participant in an assisted or insured project as of this date on which construction has stopped for a period in excess of 20 days or which has been substantially completed for more than 90 days and

documents for closing, including final cost certification, have not been filed with HUD or FmHA.

6.None of the principals have been found by HUD or FmHA to be in noncompliance with any applicable fair housing and civil rights requirements in 24 CFR 5.105(a). (If any principals or affiliates have been found to be in

noncompliance with any requirements, attach a signed statement explaining the relevant facts, circumstances, and resolution, if any).

7. None of the principals is a Member of Congress or a Resident Commissioner nor otherwise prohibited or limited by law from contracting with the Government of the United States of America.

8.Statements above (if any) to which the principal(s) cannot certify have been deleted by striking through the words with a pen, and the relevant principal(s) have initialed each deletion (if any) and have attached a true and

accurate signed statement (if applicable) to explain the facts and circumstances.

Name of Principal

Signature of Principal

Certification Date(mm/dd/yyyy Area Code and Tel. No.

This form prepared by (print name)

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Here is your pdf: Las Vegas Restaurant Hits the Jackpot with Solar Water Heating

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The success of the Buffet@Asia restaurant chain

is based on customer volume. Its three locations

are packed from 10:00 in the morning until 10:00

at night. All locations offer a wide range of

inexpensive food options. This diversity, however,

comes at a cost, since an all



-eat buffet menu invites diners to eat from numerous fresh

clean plates. Consequently, the dishwashing

cycles are non

-stop. On a busy day, Buffet@Asia

washes 20,000 medium

-sized plates.

Reducing expenses is how owner Aaron Chen

keeps his prices low for his customer base. And

even at today™s relatively low natural gas prices,

energy costs can be expensive for restaurants

that use a lot of hot water and survive on very

tight profit margins.

Yet when customer and solar entrepreneur Dave

Zheng suggested the restaurant install a solar

water heating system to lower energy costs, Chen

was not immediately convinced. But Zheng, who

is an engineer, made a quick assessment of the

restaurant’s large hot water usage and was so

sure of positive results that he offered the

restaurant a money

-back guarantee on the cost of

the system if it did not meet Chen™s expectations.

Zheng designs solar water heating systems,

which absorb the sun™s energy to heat water. To

help Chen™s investment decision, a rebate was

available for solar water heating installations from

the local utility company, lowering the final cost of

the installation. Zheng incorporated the rebate

when calculating the potential savings for Chen.


Y For large hot water energy loads, solar energy can

offer worthwhile cost savings. Unlike the more

common solar photovoltaic (PV) energy systems,

which generate electricity, solar water heating

systems use the sun™s energy to heat water.

Similar to how the sun

heats water in a garden

hose on a hot day, the sun™s energy can also be

used to heat water using solar collectors.

Restaurants are a good fit for solar water heating,

Nationwide, restaurants and fast food establishments spend nearly 7 billion dollars

each year

on their total energy consumption. Mor

e than 40 percent of this energy

use goes for heat

ing and cooling applications, such as cooking, food preparation,



dishwashing as well as space heating or cooling. Restaurants are

good candidates for using renewable heating and cooling technologies to address

these needs and save money.


large kitchen is busy all day long

preparing a wide variety of choices.

EPA™s Renewable Heating & Cooling


1 November 2014

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How to calculate how much heat was lost from a falling or rolling object due to friction by measuring only the initial height and the final velocity

To do this we will use the law of conservation of energy.

Potential energy = energy due to height = energy lost due to friction+ kinetic energy

So… let’s write the equations… the pint here is to not have to measure the heat loss due to friction so we will not write the equation for it except for a single variable. For example, we won’t include the coefficient of friction.

Potential energy = mass*gravity*height=HeatEnergyLost+0.5*mass*velocity^2

The “^” symbol is the exponent symbol.



Note that height here should be the change in height and not the absolute height. It doesn’t matter for this scenario if we are talking about a falling object or an object rolling down a track.

Best wishes,

How to calculate how high you can jump on Mars incorporating muscle deterioration

Theoretically on day 0 you could jump at the following height on Mars (Y), if you can jump on the earth at height X.

Y = X*GravityOnMars/GravityOnEarth

Note above that it is simply a ratio of the force of gravities that dictates this. You could do the same with any planet-including earth itself.

Y = X*GravityOnEarth/GravityOnEarth=X

However, we need to include muscle deterioration.

Muscle deterioration will change with the following differential equation:

d MuscleStrength / dt = -k* MuscleStrength

Note that the solution of MuscleStrength as a function of time is:

MuscleStrength(t) = MuscleStrengthInitial*exp(-k*t)

Note at time 0 you have:

MuscleStrength(t=0)=MuscleStrengthInitial and at time infinite we have:

MuscleStrength(t=infinite)=MuscleStrengthInitial*exp(-k*infinite)= 0.

It makes sense, however, that our muscle strength on Mars would not go to zero. We thus need to correct for that. So we add a term for the baseline on Mars:


But we need to ensure that the initial muscle strength is not also including the baseline so that the MuscleStrength at time zero is higher than the initial value itself.


MuscleStrength(t) = (MuscleStrengthInitial-MuscleStrengthMarsBaseline)*exp(-k*t)+ MuscleStrengthMarsBaseline

Let’s put it all together now:

Y = X*GravityOnMars* ((MuscleStrengthInitial-MuscleStrengthMarsBaseline)*exp(-k*t)+ MuscleStrengthMarsBaseline )/GravityOnEarth

Now you can calculate how high you can jump on Mars in time incorporating a muscle deterioration rate constant, k.

One thing that I would like to pony out regarding the deterioration rate constant is that if you were to fit a curve to the muscle deterioration rate constant with biexponential degradation (and it will definitely fit better than monoexponential) then you could use this k below:

k= k1*k2/(k1+k2)

The equation above combines both. I am not suggesting you should fit a biexponential curve to it. Monoexponential may be perfectly fantastic.

Best wishes,