Here is your PDF: freenix05.qrk; Keywords: livemigrationofvirtualmachines christopherclark,keirfraser,stevenhand,jacobgormhansen y,ericjul y,christianlimpach,ianpratt,andreww universityofcambridgecomputerlaboratory ydepartmentofcomputerscience 15jjthomsonavenue,cambridge,ukuniversityofcopenhagen,denmark

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LiveMigrationofVirtualMachines ChristopherClark,KeirFraser,StevenHand,JacobGormHansen y,EricJul y,ChristianLimpach,IanPratt,AndrewW UniversityofCambridgeComputerLaboratory yDepartmentofComputerScience 15JJThomsonAvenue,Cambridge,UKUniversityofCopenhagen,Denmark,ericg@diku.dkAbstractMigratingoperatingsysteminstancesacrossdistinctphys- icalhostsisausefultoolforadministratorsofdatacenters andclusters:Itallowsacleanseparationbetweenhard- wareandsoftware,andfacilitatesfaultmanagement,load balancing,andlow-levelsystemmaintenance. BycarryingoutthemajorityofmigrationwhileOSescon- tinuetorun,weachieveimpressiveperformancewithmin- imalservicedowntimes;wedemonstratethemigrationof entireOSinstancesonacommoditycluster,recordingser- vicedowntimesaslowas 60ms.Weshowthatthatour performanceissuftomakelivemigrationapractical toolevenforserversrunninginteractiveloads. Inthispaperweconsiderthedesignoptionsformigrat- ingOSesrunningserviceswithlivenessconstraints,fo- cusingondatacenterandclusterenvironments.Weintro- duceandanalyzetheconceptof writableworkingset ,and presentthedesign,implementationandevaluationofhigh- performanceOSmigrationbuiltontopoftheXenVMM. 1Introduction Operatingsystemvirtualizationhasattractedconsiderable interestinrecentyears,particularlyfromthedatacenter andclustercomputingcommunities.Ithaspreviouslybeen shown[1]thatparavirtualizationallowsmanyOSinstances torunconcurrentlyonasinglephysicalmachinewithhigh performance,providingbetteruseofphysicalresources andisolatingindividualOSinstances. Inthispaperweexploreafurtherallowedbyvir- tualization:thatofliveOSmigration.Migratinganen- tireOSandallofitsapplicationsasoneunitallowsusto avoidmanyofthediffacedbyprocess-levelmi- grationapproaches.Inparticularthenarrowinterfacebe- tweenavirtualizedOSandthevirtualmachinemonitor (VMM)makesiteasyavoidtheproblemof`residualde- pendencies'[2]inwhichtheoriginalhostmachinemust remainavailableandnetwork-accessibleinordertoservice certainsystemcallsorevenmemoryaccessesonbehalfof migratedprocesses.Withvirtualmachinemigration,on theotherhand,theoriginalhostmaybedecommissioned oncemigrationhascompleted.Thisisparticularlyvaluable whenmigrationisoccurringinordertoallowmaintenance oftheoriginalhost. Secondly,migratingatthelevelofanentirevirtualma- chinemeansthatin-memorystatecanbetransferredina consistentand(aswillbeshown)effashion.Thisap- pliestokernel-internalstate(e.g.theTCPcontrolblockfor acurrentlyactiveconnection)aswellasapplication-level state,evenwhenthisissharedbetweenmultiplecooperat- ingprocesses.Inpracticalterms,forexample,thismeans thatwecanmigrateanon-linegameserverorstreaming mediaserverwithoutrequiringclientstoreconnect:some- thingnotpossiblewithapproacheswhichuseapplication- levelrestartandlayer7redirection. Thirdly,livemigrationofvirtualmachinesallowsasepa- rationofconcernsbetweentheusersandoperatorofadata centerorcluster.Usershave`carteblanche’regardingthe softwareandservicestheyrunwithintheirvirtualmachine, andneednotprovidetheoperatorwithanyOS-levelaccess atall(e.g.arootlogintoquiesceprocessesorI/Opriorto migration).Similarlytheoperatorneednotbeconcerned withthedetailsofwhatisoccurringwithinthevirtualma- chine;insteadtheycansimplymigratetheentireoperating systemanditsattendantprocessesasasingleunit. Overall,liveOSmigrationisaextremelelypowerfultool forclusteradministrators,allowingseparationofhardware andsoftwareconsiderations,andconsolidatingclustered hardwareintoasinglecoherentmanagementdomain.If aphysicalmachineneedstoberemovedfromservicean administratormaymigrateOSinstancesincludingtheap- plicationsthattheyarerunningtoalternativemachine(s), freeingtheoriginalmachineformaintenance.Similarly, OSinstancesmayberearrangedacrossmachinesinaclus- tertorelieveloadoncongestedhosts.Inthesesituationsthe combinationofvirtualizationandmigration improvesmanageability. NSDI Õ05:2nd Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation USENIX Association273

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Livestock on the Cascade-Siskiyou Nati onal Monument: A Summary of Stocking Rates, Utilization, and Management Paul E. Hosten1, Henry Whitridge, Dulcey Schuster, and John Alexander Abstract This paper describes range management rela ted practices to provi de a historic and landscape context for studies examining th e influence of lives tock on objects of biological interest within the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. Historic records show livestock numbers increased rapi dly following initial settlement by Euro- Americans. Anecdotal data sugge sts that stocking rates early in the last century were greater than current stocking rates by at leas t an order of magnitude . Historic unregulated season-long use of the uplands during the spring, summer and fall resulted in severe environmental degradation. Disagreements betw een livestock operators and the desire of agency personnel to improve the condition of the range led to large-scale fencing and concomitant water development projects. Such projects contributed to improved livestock control in riparian areas, a retardation of livestock moveme nt to higher elevations, and improved livestock dispersion in the absence of herding. Observation of livestock use on upland shrubs and winter deer dieback resulted in exclusion studies culminating in more precise timing of livestock use to preserve the browse resource for native ungulates at lower elevations. While livestock use of shrubs at lower elevations has been reduced, use of upland shrubs at the end of the grazing season continues in moderate to high use areas accessible to livestock. Large-scale patterns of livestock use are associated with environmental factors such as elevation, soil texture, and management factors such as distance from water-source, distance from ro ads, and past vegetation manipulations. Activities associated with livestock mana gement include: road construction, aerial fertilization, herbicide application, seed application, de velopment of water-sources, vegetation manipulation (scar ification), and prescribed fire. At the time of 1 Suggested citation: Hosten, P. E., H. Wh itridge, D. Schuster, and J. Alexander. 2007. Livestock on the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument: A Summary of Stocking Rates, Utilization, and Management. U.S. Departme nt of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Medford District. 1

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Verilog-to-RoutingDocumentation Release8.0.0-dev VTRDevelopers Jan10,2019

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Authorized for Public Release Spectrum 101 An Introduction to National Aeronautics and Space Administration Spectrum Management February 2016

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68 Electroanalytical Methods-II 6.2.4 Conductometric Titrations The principle of conductometric titration is based on the fact that during the titration, one of the ions is replaced by the other and invari ably these two ions differ in the ionic conductivity with the result that conductivity of t he solution varies during the course of titration. The equivalence point may be located graphically by plotting the change in conductance as a function of the volume of titra nt added. In order to reduce the influence of errors in the c onductometric titration to a minimum, the angle between the two branches of the titration curve should be as small as possible (see Fig. 6.2). If the angle is very obtus e, a small error in the conductance data can cause a large deviation. The following app roximate rules will be found useful. · The smaller the conductivity of the ion which repla ces the reacting ion, the more accurate will be the result. Thus it is preferable to titrate a silver salt with lithium chloride rather than with HCl. Generally, cations should be titrated with lithium salts and anions with acetates as these ion s have low conductivity (Table 4.2 of Unit 4). · The larger the conductivity of the anion of the rea gent which reacts with the cation to be determined, or vice versa, the more ac ute is the angle of titration curve. · The titration of a slightly ionized salt does not g ive good results, since the conductivity increases continuously from the commen cement. Hence, the salt present in the cell should be virtually completely dissociated; for a similar reason; the added reagent should also be as strong electrolyte. · Throughout a titration the volume of the solution i s always increasing, unless the conductance is corrected for this effect, non linea r titration curves result. The correction can be accomplished by multiplying the o bserved conductance either by total volume ( V+V´) or by the factor ( V+ V´)/ V, where V is the initial volume of solution and V´ is the total volume of the reagent added. The cor rection presupposes that the conductivity is a linear funct ion of dilution, this is true only to a first approximation. · In the interest of keeping V small, the reagent for the conductometric titratio n is ordinarily several times more concentrated than the solution being titrated (at least 10-20 times). A micro burette may then be use d for the volumetric measurement. The main advantages to the conductometric titration are its applicability to very dilute, and coloured solutions and to system that involve r elative incomplete reactions. For example, which neither a potentiometric, nor indica tor method can be used for the neutralization titration of phenol ( Ka = 10 Œ10 ) a conductometric endpoint can be successfully applied. Application: Acid-base titration, especially at tra ce levels. Relative precision better than 1% at all levels. There are also few disadvant ages with this technique. As you know the conductance is a non-specific property, co ncentration of other electrolyte can be troublesome. The electrical conductance of a solution is a measu re of its currents carrying capacity and therefore determined by the total ionic strengt h. It is a non-specific property and for this reason direct conductance measurement are of little use unless the solution contains only the electrolyte to be determined or t he concentrations of other ionic species in the solution are known. Conductometric t itrations, in which the species in the solution are converted to non-ionic for by neut ralization, precipitation, etc. are of more value.

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The Lottery–Shirley Jackson”The Lottery” (1948)by Shirley JacksonThe morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 2th. but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner. The children assembled first, of course. School was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play. and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands. Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix– the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy”–eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters. Soon the men began to gather. surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call to their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his oldest brother. The lottery was conducted–as were the square dances, the teen club, the Halloween program–by Mr. Summers. who had time and energy to devote to civic activities. He was a round-faced, jovial man and he ran the coal business, and people were sorry for him. because he had no children and his wife was a scold. When he arrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was a murmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved and called. “Little late today, folks.” The postmaster, Mr. Graves, followed him, carrying a three- legged stool, and the stool was put in the center of the square and Mr. Summers set the black box down on it. The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool. and when Mr. Summers said, “Some of you fellows want to give me a hand?” there was a hesitation before two men. Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter. came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers stirred up the papers inside it. The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born. Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box. There was a story that the present box had been made with some pieces of the box that had preceded it, the one that had been constructed when the first people settled down to make a village here. Every year, after the lottery, Mr. Summers began talking again about a new box, but every year the subject was allowed to fade off without anything’s being done. file:///Users/carolynsigler/Desktop/lotry.html (1 of 8)1/23/2005 7:58:04 AM

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